Friday, August 27, 2010

Dispersed but not Disabled

(The thoughts expressed are specifically addressed to my G42 community, but I hope it challenges others who read it as well.)

Change, as we know, is inevitable. And yet, it still surprises us when it happens. It can stir up doubt, fear, concern, and seem to hinder us if we allow. I sit here thinking about the conversations I have had with my community from Spain. It has been such a joy to me to be able to skype, email, text, and call those who I grew close with during the past 6 months. Those whose friendships challenged and encouraged me...

and continue to, though we may be miles away from each other.

Each relationship is different and each person is facing their own challenges and their own accomplishments and steps forward as they continue living out their dreams, passions, Lives. Each one unique as we are all unique.

But the truth is, struggles do exist. Why is it that location and physical distance tend to turn us upside down for some time, tend to stir up confusion? We know it isn't where we are that defines us. It isn't who is right next to us that tells us who we are. Have we lost our voice because we are now in a new area, or location? In fact, this is when we should be speaking. Now. Among our friends and family, where ever we are, who ever we are with. Does GOD still choose to use us though we may not be physically together? Absolutely, for it is you HE chooses. It is you. Just as it is me.

We may be dispersed around the world, but we are not disabled. For we are still a community. There is support. There is friendship. There is Life...and Love. And it isn't because we all live within walking distance of each other (though I must admit, was quite wonderful), but because we are living the lives we are called to live. As I continue to reflect on this, I can't stop being reminded of the freedom that is abundant in Love. Love that draws us together, but allows us to grow, to be, to Live.

I learn more about this as I travel between homes throughout the week. Where I am is where I am to be. And I will speak what I am to speak; I will encourage where I am to encourage; I will challenge where I am to challenge, and I will be me, confident in the Love of God and the Love of community.

As we are dispersed around the world, let us Live in this confidence. For we are not disabled, but empowered.

Friday, August 13, 2010

One of Those Moments #1...

photo of Amos and Tyler provided by Jackie

I don't know how long it went on, because that's not what matters. But there they were, having a great time no where else but on the living room floor. Amos was just taking time to play with Tyler, his son. The room was filled with one the greatest giggles I have ever heard. They had a great time together, just laughing. I know Tyler won't remember every single moment in his life. But I have no doubt that he will always know how important he is to his father who spends time with him, who Loves him. And I know he will remember how good it feels to just laugh!

They choose to Live and Love NOW.

Tomorrow is Never Now.

photo of Frye family provided by Jackie

Sometime in my life it got easy to say, "I'll get to it tomorrow". Tomorrow no longer seemed to represent a time in the future, but became a part of my present. It all kind of got mushed together. Maybe it was a way to encourage my laziness, my lack of priorities, but either way, there was always tomorrow...and things kept getting pushed into and lost in "tomorrow".

Though this definitely isn't quite the challenge it used to be, there are times here and there where I can find myself thinking I can start that tomorrow. And so I remind myself that tomorrow is and will never be now. And I ask myself, am I living now or in the idea of "tomorrow"?

With that, I will be sharing a series of posts intermingled throughout the rest of my thoughts, entitled "One of Those Moments..." Stories, Images, people taking the opportunity to experience, Live, Love...NOW.